World Oral Health Day on March 20

Debunking myths and legends about maintaining good oral health

Since 2007, World Oral Health Day has been celebrated worldwide. The World Dental Federation (FDI), of which the Bulgarian Dental Association is a member as well, organizes the celebration . Initially, World Oral Health Day was celebrated on September 12, but in 2013 the date was moved to March 20 to avoid coincidence of dates with the Congress of the World Dental Federation, which is also held in September. On the other hand, March 20 symbolizes a kind of oral hygiene because of the number 20: adults must have a total of 20 natural teeth at the end of their lives to be considered healthy; Children must have 20 baby teeth; Healthy adults should have a total of 32 teeth and 0 caries; The numerical expression of this can be presented as 3/20, therefore: March 20 (RHI Blagoevgrad; ).

World Oral Health Day on March 20

What is the aim of this article?

Why do we emphasis on Oral Health Day? Because it turns that we often start taking good care of our teeth and gums only when we face a real problem, that, in fact, could have been prevented. What myths and legends are spread in society and what statements and beliefs do professionals face? Our goal is not to make fun of someone, but on the contrary, in a fun way to take a look at  the details we often forget and overstrain in our daily lives. For this reason we have listed some of the more interesting myths, but we will be happy if you share with us more of them!

Myths and facts about oral health

MYTH 1: Large toothbrushes are better because they cover a larger tooth area .

FACT 1: The role of the brush is to remove food debris from the gums, the inside of the cheeks and the tongue, because the open spaces of the teeth are literally cleaned by themselves. In order to clean the “hidden areas”, a small toothbrush is needed (RHI Blagoevgrad;

MYTH 2: It is good to stick to the same toothpaste.

FACT 2: The use of the same brand and type of toothpaste for more than three months is not recommended because most tooth pastes have the same or similar ingredients, but in different proportions. When we use the same toothpaste, the microorganisms adapt and the beneficial effect decreases. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Boteva, Chief Assistant Dr. D. Karayasheva; “Oral Hygiene Products – Myths and Reality”)

MYTH 3: We should brush our teeth immediately after eating.

FACT 3: Due to the fact that human saliva is characterized by strong degrading characteristics. saliva removes food debris easily, but in case we start brushing our teeth during this process immediately after having a meal, tooth enamel will be at risk. So you should brush your teeth best at least half an hour after eating. (Kristina Katsarska; Galen Pharmacies)

MYTH 4: It is enough to rub our teeth for about 30 seconds.

FACT 4: For cleaning to be effective, it must last at least 2 minutes – 30 seconds on each part of the jaw. (Kristina Katsarska; Galen Pharmacies)

MYTH 5: For good oral hygiene, it is enough to brush your teeth only with a toothbrush and a toothpaste.

FACT 5: It has been found that no more than 60% of dental plaque can be cleaned with a brush. Therefore, it is necessary to use dental floss. (July 29, 2014; Dr. Bogomil Stoev – dentist “St. Apollonia”; “Myths about dental health… and more – 2”)

What is most important for our oral hygiene?

In order to have healthy smiles, it is good to do preventive examinations of your teeth at least 1-2 times a year. Uniquely for children, it is recommended to do it 2-3 or more times, as deciduous teeth are more susceptible to caries. This is why it is important not to postpone the visit to the dentist until the onset of pain, but to go regularly for preventive examinations. While all nutrients and vitamins pass through the mouth, the oral cavity is also susceptible to inflammatory processes and infections. The health of the whole body begins with the health of the smile, and in order for it to be healthy, it is necessary not only to take care of it, but to take care of it properly.


  1. American Dental Association (ADA); “Mouth Healthy”;  
  2. India, “National Health Portal; “World Oral Health day 2021”;
  3. 20.03.2020; Ministry of Health: Blagoevgrad Regional Health Inspectorate (RHI Blagoevgrad); WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY motto “United for oral health”;
  4. Galen Pharmacies;
  5. 21.08.2013; Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Boteva, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dr. D. Karayasheva – Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Sofia “Oral Hygiene – Myths and Reality”;
  6.  29.07.2014; Dr. Bogomil Stoev – dentist “St. Apollonia ”; “Myths about dental health… and more – 2”;

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  1. 17.02.2022; „Dentistry and dental technology- how well do our future specialists prepare?“;
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  3. 07.10.2021; “How did the idea for a work system such as AMOSYS come about and what are its main goals?”;
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  5. 16.09.2021; “Digitalization and dental technology”;